Monday, November 22, 2010

Inspiration-in this moment

At this moment, I am aware of the whirring of the fan in the computer modem and the cars passing on the wet 82nd St. pavement because it has rained. My fingers are the loudest, pounding the keys quickly as I type these words. I receive a text message, and my cell phone beeps five times in a row. When I turn or move slightly, my nylon vest has something to say. The wind picked up enough for me to notice just a second ago. I scratch my head for a moment, it's so much louder than it should be. And this is quiet...

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Many things are inspiring to me. The exhibit "Notes to Nonself" was very inspiring because there were so many positive ideas, phrases and quotes included in the work. Photos are can also be very inspiring to me, such as this one. It inspires me to find views like this to photograph. I found this picture in 2009 on a blog called Le Love. All of the author's entries are about love in one way or another and I enjoy reading her posts. Another Blog I love reading is The -Ed Chronicles. In fact everytime I read her posts, I feel enlightened or inspired by her attitude and approach on life. Most of the photos she posts for her entries are also inspiring. Here are the links to both blogs in hopes you may find something inspiring from them.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Response 11/15

I really loved Kara's project. It was extremely creative and in my opinion original. It was interesting to see what everyone came up with for their projects and there were a bunch of different approaches taken. I would like to elaborate on my project because what I created to me is only the beginning of what it could turn in to. I would also like to read more of Dante, which Beth suggested. In high school, we studied a small portion of his literature, and I remember being fascinated with it then and wanting more. I also liked the song "Forgiven" played in class.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Who the Hell Do I Think I am?

The exhibit "Notes to Nonself" was very positive and inspiring to me, especially from the standpoint of love. One quote that stood out to me was "I will approach with an open heart." Currently I am in a position where I think this advice, to approach with an open heart, will be beneficial to me even if my feelings may be out in the open. A significant part of my identity is that I am a very loving and compassionate person. I often relate my emotions to most things because they tend to effect me and influence me so strongly. I believe very strongly in love and feel it is a necessity of life. It is a wonderful feeling to be loved.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reaction 11/8

I did not attend class mainly because I recently got a cold. I honestly wish I would have gone anyway because I found out that I missed a field trip to Herron to see the exhibit on display. This was the first session of Beth's I did not go to and it was disappointing because I always look forward to attending. Because I missed the exhibit and because I had not actually ever been inside Herron, I decided I'd go see it on my own today to see what I missed and I'm so glad I did. I was so inspired by all of the profound things I read throughout the exhibit. I loved that it was so engaging and positive. It was also amazing to think about all of the collaborating the two artists did being so far apart yet creating their work of art. I definitely plan on visiting before it is over.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I didn't expect this assignment to end up where it did, but was pleasntly surprised with the outcome of my time spent having fun. At first I thought of things that require money, like seeing a movie, or going shopping, but lately money has been tight because of bills so I had to look elsewhere. Finally, Taylor suggested we go to his house and work on some music. This was the first time we had really "collaborated" so I didn't know where it would go. He had told me he was working on some songs he created in Logic, and ended up playing one for me. It has a sort of techno/electronic vibe. I listened to it and really liked it so I suggested I play around with some vocals. I went in his sound booth and improvised about a minute of synchronous humming. When I listened to the two together, I really liked it. It got me really excited to actually complete the song with lyrics as well and gave me the idea to create a song for my final project. I've mentioned before that music is my passion, and to get something going doing vocals for this music genre would absolutely be fulfilling a dream of mine.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

reaction 11/1

I honestly loved the fact that Beth assigned a skip day, especially with the purpose of doing something fun, but at first I was a bit surprised. I can't say I've ever been given an assignment like it. It took me a while to figure out what it was that I wanted to do. Money was definitely a factor because lately I've been broke, so I had to think of something inexpensive, but fun and that was a little hard to do. I think most students are so commonly weighed down with homework, jobs, and other responsibilities that sometimes fun takes a back seat to all of these things. I honestly did something very worthwhile and fun in my opinion so I feel that I truly benefited from the assignment. Not to mention, I got a pretty good idea for my final project after my activity Monday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What is it

I think the point of the exercise in class last week was to let our imaginations wonder. Because we were in a group, there was more creativity generated. It seems there could be a number of possibilities as to what it actually was, but I think the idea was to see how out there and creative the assumptions could get.